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Dear Welder Series… 1973 Scout Mustang II
This installation will be much like others where the frame doesn’t invite an MII crossmember. We would cut off the frame at the firewall and use 2x3 or 2x4 tubing as a front clip.

35-40 Ford Direct Fit Mustang II
We’re happy to introduce a Welder Series Mustang II kit that you can install in your 35-40 Ford without having to trim the crossmember, upper towers, and coil over mounting plates. Designed for coil overs, this nicely fabricated kit includes upper control arm towers with anti-dive built in, precut upper coil over mounting plates, and …
Dear Welder Series… exhaust grommets
Dear Welder Series… Good morning! I have a question regarding the ‘snapper’ exhaust grommets – what are the temperature ratings for each of the standard and high temp? Or, better yet what has your experience been with which ones are required at what part of the system? I need 4, the closest one to the …

Dear Welder Series… Hudson Jet Mustang II
Dear Welder Series… Please see photos attached for references. Photo #1 I have my ride height set. Spindle is 12″ and bottom of frame 12″. Photo #2 Nose set on looking at tire clearance. All good. 56 1/2 hub to hub should be fine. Photo #3 Nose off. The …
Dear Welder Series… Custom frame dimensions for Mustang II
Dear Welder Series… I got a Mustang II front cross member from you earlier this week, 62.5″ wide, where my spindle centers are between my sub frame and car frame, its a uni body car with a front and rear sub frames, want to mount it to the sub frame I’m making, bottom of sub …
Photo Sharing: Mustang II in Vega wagon
Dear Welder Series… I’ve finally put a representation of pictures together of my project and your product. It has definitely made this easier. This Vega wagon is ultimately getting a wide-body treatment as I chose the 58″ track M-II front to work with the C4 Vette rear at 59″ and wheelbase increased +4in. It will …

Dear Welder Series… Ford F1 Mustang II
Dear Welder Series… I would like to order a 58 1/2″ air bag crossmember welded for a 1950 F1 (#144402 I think this is the number) and 2 frame box plates (#665120) any suggestions would be appreciated I’m attaching pic of the quick guide. I think I may pick it up if I can I’d …
Welder Series has a new owner!
Paul Horton’s Welder Series has been sold! October 1st 2022 marks the day when I (DW Horton) will officially take over the family business with the support of my wife Sarah. I’m thankful to my mom and dad who built the business into one worth continuing into the second generation. Our high quality parts, excellent …

Dear Welder Series… 1936 Plymouth Mustang II?
Dear Welder Series… I have included a couple pics so you can see what we have. The crossmember installed will be removed to install your unit. A gentleman started it with his own design and gave up so I appreciate your help on this. The white line is our wheel base of 113″ and that …
Dear Welder Series… Splined sway bars vs Pinned
Dear Welder Series… Good morning. I’m just curious as to the purpose of the one splines end option on the sway bar kits vs. the pinned both ends option. What would the benefit be from the splined end or having both ends splined vs. Pinned. Thank you! Dear Kevin… Good morning, Kevin. At one time …

Dear Welder Series… custom width axle brackets?
Good day, I am trying to source out parts for my triangulated 4 link install.

Dear Welder Series… 1977 F100 MII?
Dear Welder Series, I have a 1977 F100 that I’m currently trying to fit a 7.3 Godzilla into. The oil pan of the Godzilla along with the twin I-beam suspension are creating some challenges. The primary issue is the drag link at the rear of the crossmember. To fix this I’m considering putting in an …

Dear Welder Series… 1962 Studebaker Lark Mustang II
Dear Welder Series… Good day aye, I would like to purchase your cross member for my 1962 Studebaker Lark station wagon. Running into issues with frame measurements. The “Z” mark is running through the shock tower preventing me from getting accurate measurements. Also, the frame goes in and out, up and down around the “Z” …
Dear Welder Series… Mustang II cut line help (2×4 frame)
Dear Welder Series… Paul, Kevin here, sorry I missed your call earlier. As I said previously, I’m doing a custom front end using your mustang ii crossmember kit for coil springs. I am using 2×4 channel for the main frame rail and am looking for either the cut diagram, or just the dimensions I need …

Dear Welder Series… sway bar arm mounting question
Can you give me some advice on the best spot to locate my sway bar arms?