Dear Welder Series…

Dear Jeff…
Jeff, the stock wheelbase dimension will usually give the “Z” location. Sometimes the look is better when the wheel/tire is ahead or back slightly from the stock location. This is because of the vehicle rake or even the stock “look” of the wheel and tire in the fender opening that changes with the new ride height. If you have the luxury of putting a fender in place and mocking the tire, it could give some relief to know the line you have was right all along. Or …Thanks for the pictures.I’ll try to get cut line info back to you quickly so you can get on with the build.Paul
Dear Welder Series…

Dear Jeff…Jeff, this series of Plymouths gave us issues back in the 80’s when we had the first one to do. I think we were involved with another builder since then. He made new frame rails from the firewall forward.
The high frame arch makes it very difficult to install an independent front end.The frame width is where the upper a-arm cross shafts will be and the frame arch is also there.The work-around is to add to the bottom of the frame and remove from the top.I can do some basic drawings that will show the height of the new bottom and top of the frame using the dropped spindles that you have I can do similar drawings for stock MII spindles.Would you also please confirm the dimensions from ground to top of frame at CR and TR?I’ll watch for your reply.Paul
Dear Welder Series…
Dear Jeff…
My drawings are all based on dropped spindles and 13” ground to the bottom of the 2×4.