I'm sure Craig Pike sets his camera to 'burst' mode when he's at these events... the number of pictures is astounding!
Category: MyRideIsMe

The Rules have Changed: 2011 AMBR Award Judging Explained
Craig Pike spoke firsthand with the judges coordinator, Vic Cunnyngham about what's changed, and why.
MyRideisMe.com: Wind Tunnel Testing: Is it just blowing smoke?
If you're into going fast and what it takes to get fast, this is a really interesting article on wind tunnel testing.
Custom Pinstriped Welding Helmet for Charity
Our friend Pikesan at www.myrideisme.com has listed a Lincoln welding helmet on eBay, with the pledge of 100% of the proceeds going to Progeria research.
13 of the best hot rod engines
Walking the 2010 LA Roadster Show, I started snapping shots of the dazzling chrome works of four-stroke art found in the roadsters and hot rods in the show. Where else to place the prized and uber-rare speed parts for your flathead than out for the world to see in an open engine bay?
Autorama pics
I've uploaded my own pics from the Cobo Hall show, along with links to photos around the Web.
Welding Video: tig torch orientation
A series of welding how-I-do-it videos...This video focuses on how I hold a tig torch.
All About SEMA… from myrideisme.com
Thanks to Craig Pike for the SEMA coverage!