Tag: cut lines

Dear Welder Series… Ford F1 Mustang II

Dear Welder Series…
I would like to order a 58 1/2″ air bag crossmember welded for a 1950 F1 (#144402 I think this is the number) and 2 frame box plates (#665120) any suggestions would be appreciated I’m attaching pic of the quick guide. I think I may pick it up if I can I’d like to see your facility Thanks Tony

Dear Tony…
Hi, Tony.

Thanks for sending your frame dimensions.

I’ve attached our standard cut lines drawings for the Ford F1 pickup. You will notice some slight differences with yours. Please check our drawings against your frame to see if your rails are vertical on the outside.

Cutting the crossmember and towers to our drawings will put the bottom of your frame 13-3/8” from the ground with a stock MII spindle or 2” lower with a dropped spindle and a 27-3/4” tall tire. If this works for you, everything is ok to go ahead.

I can do cut lines drawings for you using your dimensions but would like you to check your frame dimensions first.

Thanks for taking time to do the sheets. You have the correct part number for the air bag 58-1/2” kit.

Paul Horton

Mustang II Crossmember Trim Lines Worksheet

Welder Series has a free service to help builders lay out the crossmember and upper tower cut lines. If you fill them out, take pictures of them, and email the pages back to us, we will give you drawings showing the sections to be removed. These worksheets can also give us the info we need to provide you with boxing plates. We’d give you a price for the plates and you can decide if you want to order them or make your own.

MII frame dimension tech sheet