Category: News

“News” pretty much explains it.

35-40 Ford Direct Fit Mustang II

We’re happy to introduce a Welder Series Mustang II kit that you can install in your 35-40 Ford without having to trim the crossmember, upper towers, and coil over mounting plates.

Designed for coil overs, this nicely fabricated kit includes upper control arm towers with anti-dive built in, precut upper coil over mounting plates, and the lower control arm tubes/gussets welded.

It gives you a head start on the front suspension installation!

Any components designed for a Mustang II will work with our crossmember.

Check it out on our web store:

Welder Series has a new owner!

Paul Horton’s Welder Series has been sold! October 1st 2022 marks the day when I (DW Horton) will officially take over the family business with the support of my wife Sarah. I’m thankful to my mom and dad who built the business into one worth continuing into the second generation.

Our high quality parts, excellent customer service and reputation, and attention to detail will continue. Paul will continue designing new and custom products, providing tech support and other “semi-retired old guy jobs”, and Dorothy will continue bookkeeping. Thanks to our customers over the past 17 years. We’re looking forward to serving you the same way we always have, with the same KISS philosophy: Keep It Simple and Safe.

Mustang II Crossmember Trim Lines Worksheet

Welder Series has a free service to help builders lay out the crossmember and upper tower cut lines. If you fill them out, take pictures of them, and email the pages back to us, we will give you drawings showing the sections to be removed. These worksheets can also give us the info we need to provide you with boxing plates. We’d give you a price for the plates and you can decide if you want to order them or make your own.

MII frame dimension tech sheet

32 Update: Front Leaf Spring

“These cars are way oversprung.” There, I’ve said it. I don’t think I’m the only one, but now that I’ve changed the front spring, I’m even more confident.

Originally, the car was built with a mono leaf spring over an aluminum I beam axle. The mono leaf has only one leaf (“mono”, not the kissing disease), and it’s kind of like a graduated spring rate… it’s thicker at the middle and thins out towards the eyes. It’s probably quite softer than a seven leaf spring, but it’s definitely not softer than the Posies super low spring I installed two years ago (2016).

Combined with a new set of Ridetech aluminum front shocks designed specifically for light, solid axle cars, the ride is much, much better. The shocks are a dramatic (I don’t often use italics) improvement over the standard chrome shocks I had installed originally… they’re designed with almost no compression damping because – you guessed it – these cars are way oversprung already. Almost all the damping is in the rebound, where the shock needs to control the heavy spring throwing the light front end back up after a bump in the road.

I think I began to question front leaf spring rates when I was trying to find a squeak in the front end. You may have done the same thing – stand on the frame horns, bounce the car, try to reproduce the noise. While I was doing that, I noticed that most of the “bounce” was in the sidewall of the tires, not in the actual spring. I’m sure the sidewalls serve an important role in absorbing road imperfections, but they’re certainly not up to the task of handling much more. Ask your kidneys after a ride in a 90’s era mini truck.


Extended Area surcharges – Canada

Remote area surcharge postal code lookup - Canada. If your postal code falls between the From and To columns, you may be asked to cover an additional postage fee.

Dear Welder Series… 1937 Dodge D5 Mustang II?

Dear Welder Series…
Looking for a Mustang 2 type cross member for a 37 Dodge D5 coupe. Can’t find anything on your site. Would you have such a thing? Price and how much to ship to A0L 1A0?

Dear Gary…
Your Dodge frame has a high curve over the front axle which makes it more difficult to install a Mustang II front end. It would be good to read our instruction sheets. , and eye-ball “ambush” areas. It might be necessary to add to the bottom of your frame to mount the crossmember and then trim off the top of the frame to mount the upper towers.
The kit you use will depend on the track width you want and if you plan to use stock-style springs and shocks or coil-overs.
Thanks for looking at Welder Series parts. Once you decide on the kit you’d like, we can dial in the freight cost.
Paul Horton

Dear Welder Series…
Thanks for your informative reply. I will have a closer look at what I have and go from there. Now I said Mustang II front end, but it doesn’t have to be. Is there something else that would an easier install using the stock rails?

Dear Gary…
A nice thing about the Mustang II is that new parts are readily available. Coil springs and coil overs are available with a wide range of rates so that the front end gets installed knowing that the ride height and the ride quality you want will happen when the vehicle is finished.
Another advantage is that most, often all, sheet metal, bumper, and rad mounting holes can be used because the MII gets installed in the stock frame.
I hope this info helps.

Paul Horton

Mustang II Crossmember Kit for Coil Overs or ShockWaves
Mustang II Crossmember Kit for Coil Overs or ShockWaves
Mustang II Crossmember Kit, for Coil Springs
Mustang II Crossmember Kit, for Coil Springs
Mustang II Crossmember Kit, for Air Bags
Mustang II Crossmember Kit, for Air Bags

Introducing: 3D Printing

We are excited to now offer extremely detailed SLA (Stereolithography) 3D printing services. Custom dash knobs, dome light trim, center caps, crests and emblems… the possibilities are almost endless.

Builders, have you thought of creating a custom emblem that you can affix to each car that leaves your shop? We can do that!

Do you have a theme throughout your car, but haven’t been able to apply it to some small pieces like the A/C knobs? We can design and print one-off knobs that will match your theme perfectly. 

Do you have an idea for a shift knob that you’ve been wanting to use, but didn’t know how to proceed? We can help!

Is a piece of your rare interior trim broken, and you’ve been searching for years to replace it? We can have it 3D scanned locally, reassembled using computer software, and printed in one piece.

How It Works

Stereolithography (SLA) is an additive manufacturing – commonly referred to as 3D printing – technology that converts liquid materials into solid parts, layer by layer, by selectively curing them using a light source in a process called photopolymerization. SLA is widely used to create models, prototypes, patterns, and production parts for a range of industries from engineering and product design to manufacturing, dentistry, jewelry, model making, and education.

Custom projects get us really excited… if you have an idea for something that you think could be 3D printed, please get in touch. We have the capability to print with the following resins:

  • Standard
    • Clear: Stereolithography 3D printing technology makes clear prints possible on the desktop. Clear Resin is great for fluidics and moldmaking, optics, lighting, and any parts requiring translucency.
    • Grey, black, and white: With a matte surface finish, opaque appearance, and precise details, Black, White, and Grey Resins are ready to use right off the printer. Their neutral undertone also makes a great base for parts that will eventually be painted or undergo other finishing processes.
  • Tough: Balances strength and compliance, making it the ideal choice for prototyping strong, functional parts and assemblies that will undergo brief periods of stress or strain.
  • Flexible: Produce parts that bend and compress. Flexible is excellent for simulating soft-touch materials and adding ergonomic features to multi-material assemblies.
  • Heat resistant: High Temp Resin has a heat deflection temperature (HDT) of 289 °C @ 0.45 MPa—the highest on the 3D printing materials market. Use it to print models for environmental testing, or create molds and masters for production processes like casting and thermoforming.
  • Rigid: Reinforced with glass to offer very high stiffness and a polished finish. This material is highly resistant to deformation over time and is great for printing thin walls and features.
  • Durable: With low modulus, high elongation, and high impact strength, Durable Resin produces parts with a smooth, glossy finish and high resistance to deformation. Use this material for applications requiring minimal friction.
  • Castable: Designed to capture precise details and smooth surfaces. It burns out cleanly without ash or residue, allowing jewelers and casting houses to go straight from digital design to a 3D print suitable for direct investment casting.
  • Dental Model Resin: Designed for crown and bridge models with removable dies, Dental Model Resin is a high-precision, high-accuracy resin. Print crisp margins and contacts within ± 35 microns, and removable dies with consistently tight fit. A smooth, matte surface finish and color similar to gypsum make it easy to switch from analog to digital model production.

1956 International Pickup Mustang II

Grant Schwartz stopped in the other day to pick up a Mustang II crossmember, and I think he had it installed quicker than my kids can go through a jar of Elmira maple syrup.

Here are some pictures he took. To see more of Grant’s work, please visit and follow his Facebook page:

Parts Used:

Transmission Mount Saddle Kit
Transmission Mount Saddle Kit

Breakfast & Garage Crawl 2018

April 14, 2018

Wash down the Southern Ontario Winter blues with 2 eggs, home fries, and your choice of bacon, ham, or sausage… and get a peek into some of Canada’s finest hot rod shops.
Starting at Kypreos on Lancaster St W, then hopping to Schwartz Inc, Breslau (Welder Series, Webber Chassis, and Finishline), then to Hitman Hotrods in Cambridge.
Reserve your seat for breakfast by contacting Homer at 519-742-1070 or by email with “breakfast” in the subject.

Shop tour printable directions, ending at Schwartz Inc.
Shop tour printable directions, ending at Hitman Hotrods.

Here’s a map with all the locations:

Canadian Street Rodding Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Ticket, 2024
Hall of Fame Ticket, 2024

Coming up in October of 2017 is the 23rd year of the Canadian Street Rodding Hall of Fame’s gala evening, and this year it’s on Saturday October 21st, 2017 BUT this year the location has definitely changed. The new location is the Cambridge Hotel and Conference Centre, 700 Hespeler Road, Cambridge, Ontario N3H 5L8 (click here for a map). We will meet and greet at 5:30 pm, with the meal and ceremonies beginning at 6:30 pm. Come and be a part of the induction of the 2017 inductee.

It will be a very relaxed evening this year in a new facility with proper visibility and sound and an open atmosphere. Last year we welcomed the Motor City Car Club as the first “club” to be inducted. This year’s inductee will be chosen from the nominations sent in by you. If you’ve not already sent in your nomination, please do so in the very near future. The deadline is May 1, 2017.

After the ceremonies there will be live entertainment and dancing for your enjoyment. A cash bar will be available and dress is business casual.

Syracuse 2017

The shop will be closed from Thursday till Monday while we’re at the Syracuse Nationals. We don’t have a booth again this year, but I’ll be around the Tucci Hot Rods booth if you’d like to talk with me.

If you’re on Instagram and Facebook and going to Syracuse, you’ll want to make sure you’re following us (just search for welderseries) because I’ll be posting throughout the weekend, and playing a little interactive game with prizes!

Thanks for your support. We’re looking forward to enjoying the weekend. Say hi if you see me!

DW Horton