Hi I inquired about a kit for my 53 Chevy truck but now I bought a 1940 Chevy truck do you carry a kit for this year?
Category: Mustang II Application Questions
Dear Welder Series… how much to narrow my Mustang II?
I've got a customer that needs a Mustang II setup that is narrower than 56". He has channeled his front sheetmetal to the point that the tires hit the fenders on turning.
Dear Welder Series… 60″ Mustang II Questions
When the crossmember is wider does that push the mounting points for the control arms out too?
Dear Welder Series… Mustang II on a ’30 Chev?
I am wondering if your Mustang 2 crossmember will work in a 30 Chev.
Dear Welder Series… Mustang II on a Toyota Pickup
Hello, I'm planning to build a full 2x3 frame for a pickup and looking at your MII cross members I think they would work for my application but I have a few questions...

Dear Welder Series… MII On 1948 Stude Starlight Coupe?
I'm building a 1948 Stude. Starlight Coupe. Can this crossmember be used on this car?
Dear Welder Series… Mustang II rack width for Nash
I'm looking for suspension options for a Nash Metropolitan, so I'm down in the 45/46 inch track range.
Dear Welder Series… narrowed Mustang II crossmember
How narrow would the frame rails have to be for a 49 inch track width? thanks

Dear Welder Series… ’35 Dodge Truck MII
My second question is do you think I will encounter any clearance problems with the spring mounts and narrower A frames?
Dear Welder Series… Anglia Mustang II?
Hello, Do you have a crossmember kit for a 103e Ford Anglia?
Dear Welder Series… 1950 Chev 3600 Mustang II?
Dear Welder Series…
Is the 56″ Mustang II kit heavy duty enough to use with a 1950 Chevrolet 3600 Truck?
I saw it on Trucks! with there 1949 Chevrolet 3100 Truck.
Can it be modified to use eight lug rotors and wheels?
Trophy Club, Texas
Dear Ron…
Ron, I think the 3600 series was the 3/4 ton version. The Mustang II would still be ok for this truck as a street rod.I’m not aware of a way to convert the hubs to 8 lug, but if you feel you need such a heavy-duty wheel, probably the Mustang II is not the best front suspension choice. I’d leave the axle in it.
Thanks for looking at Welder Series parts.
Paul Horton
Dear Welder Series…
Paul, thanks so much for responding to my questions.
Dear Welder Series… Custom Width Mustang II
Hello was wondering if it is possible to get a Mustang II crossmember modified for a 51"-52" track width.
Dear Welder Series… Mustang II in a Buick?
This '50 Olds will be similar to your Buick in that a section of 2x4 tubing would be spliced into the stock frame.
Dear Welder Series… 1934 Dodge coupe MII
Dear Welder Series...
I am interested in your weld-it series x-member, my question is can it be flipped around to create a rear steer x-member?
Dear Welder Series… 1954 Chev MII
I'm looking at your mustang II crossmember kit, and I'm
wondering if it would be appropriate for a 54 Chevy that I
want to bag and have lay on the ground.