You're looking to save a few dollars on your build, just like everyone else. Here's a quick comparison of some popular kits, showing what you can save when you weld them together yourself instead of buying it pre-welded from us.

You're looking to save a few dollars on your build, just like everyone else. Here's a quick comparison of some popular kits, showing what you can save when you weld them together yourself instead of buying it pre-welded from us.
It's a little 'foggy' around here... I've been welding just about all day. Even though Monday was supposed to be Mig Monday, and Tuesday was going to be Tig Tuesday...
There's another side to our existence though. Yes... another dimension. Deep in the shop, where the clock runs backwards and the crickets sneeze, there sits a man at a steel bench with 1500 psi of Argon as his only companion.