I’ve put the welding tips videos in a playlist on YouTube… I hope it’s helpful, or at the very least entertaining. Not the most entertaining thing you do all day, but maybe somewhere around the 9th entertaining.
Category: Welding
Over My Shoulder, TIG Welding

How Much Can I Save?
You're looking to save a few dollars on your build, just like everyone else. Here's a quick comparison of some popular kits, showing what you can save when you weld them together yourself instead of buying it pre-welded from us.
Dear Welder Series… tig info
Would a Miller Maxstar 150 be powerful enough to do the nice (and quick, I might add!) tig welding I see being done on your videos?
Tig tip: tungsten storage and sharpening
I keep all my tungsten in a little hand made holder with a bunch of holes drilled in it. This holds them pointy side up so they don’t get dulled before I use them. I also don’t have to keep getting up to sharpen each time a point gets dirty.
To sharpen them, I use an old variable speed drill, chuck one up, then spin it slowly as I gently hold it against the grinding wheel. I always sharpen with the tungsten pointed up so there’s no burr on the end.