Mustang II Application Chart

This list will be updated as we receive emails from folks asking about specific vehicles.

Welder Series has a free service to help builders lay out the crossmember and upper tower cut lines. If you fill them out, take pictures of them, and email the pages back to us, we will give you drawings showing the sections to be removed. These worksheets can also give us the info we need to provide you with boxing plates. We’d give you a price for the plates and you can decide if you want to order them or make your own.

Cut Line Worksheet

We are often asked about making a Mustang II crossmember kit for a track width less than the stock 56-1/2”. 56-1/2” is the distance from the rotors wheel mounting face to face. Aftermarket brake kits and rotors can change this 56-1/2” dimension. It’s good to have the brake kit, rotors, wheels and tires before deciding how much the crossmember should be narrowed.

Here are the steps I’d suggest:
Read all the way through this for best results.

Use our 56-1/2” kit, for either stock springs or coil-overs. Coil-overs will provide more spring to frame clearance and make it easier to dial in ride height and ride quality.

Get the wheels and tires that will be used.

Get the brake kit and rotors that will be used. (Might as well get the calipers, too, but this won’t affect the crossmember width.)
Mock up the car at ride height and position the wheels and tires, front-to-back and at the desired track width.

Compare the spindle height (the center of the wheel) to the height of the frame at the bottom. Decide on stock or dropped spindles. See link/17afad9a-b219-4191-7cfb-7ee4bfa6277c/?file=Coil%20Over%20Mustang%20II.pdf, page 6, or 4191-7cfb-7ee4bfa6277c/?file=Coil%20Spring%20Mustang%20II.pdf, page 6 for info regarding this decision.

Decide on stock length or shortened (narrowed) control arms. The upper arm cross shafts on stock length arms will be about 29-1/2” center-to-center with a stock rotor-to-rotor face width of 56-1/2”. When the crossmember gets shortened, the control arms will move closer together by the same amount. See if there will be clearance issues because of this. Shorter control arms will move the pivot point out by their “shortened” amount, given that the spindle location does not change. Shorter arms will mean a slightly choppier ride. Get the upper and lower arms that you decide on.

Mock up the wheel/tire, spindle, brake kit, rotor, and lower control arm. Put the assembly in position in the fender of the mock-up. The tire should be very close to vertical. Make the lower arm level. This can be done on just one side. Measure from the frame centerline to the lower arm pivot and double that dimension. Or mock up both sides and measure lower control arm pivots center-to-center. Subtract the lower arm pivot dimension from 22-1/4” and you have the amount that the crossmember should have removed from between the rack mounts.

It will be necessary to use a shorter than stock rack. Some machine shops will do this and there are aftermarket companies that make custom-length Mustang II racks. Before making the crossmember shorter, confirm that a rack will be available.

VehicleTrack WidthComments
Chev, 1962-67 Nova56"
Chev, Car, 1935-195456"
Chev, Pickup, 1937-1955 (early series)56"
Chev, Pickup, 1955 (second series)- 1959 60"
Ford, Car, 1933-194856"
Ford, Falcon, 1964-556"
Ford, Car, 1954-5958"
Ford, Mustang, 1965-656"
Ford, Mustang, 1967-7058"
Ford, Mustang, 1971-7360"
Ford, Pickup, 1935-194156"
Ford, Pickup, 1942-195258"
Ford, Ranger, 1983-8856"
Ford, Pickup, 1953-1979 F10060"
Mercury, Comet, 1960-6356"
Plymouth, 194956"
Studebaker, 193456"
Studebaker, Pickup, 194958"
Willys Jeepster, 194956"
Willys Pickup & Panel (with top hat frame), 1946-5456"
These are the correct track width kits for the corresponding vehicles.


    • paul says:

      John, I suggest getting the 56-1/2″ kit and some narrow control arms. Mock up everything using a bar to hold the lower arm level, including the wheels and tires that you will use. This will require tacking some fill pieces to hold the upper mounts in place. Then roll the assembly under your Datsun and establish how much has to be cut from the middle of the crossmember to put the tires where you want them. A narrowed rack will be required. A source is MAVAL Mfg. .

  1. Harold Hawley says:

    Hey Paul, I have a 1980 Chevy Luv Truck that I want to put a Mustang II front suspension into. I ended up with some Mustang II parts, that I would like to install in the truck. The truck has a 102.5 Wheelbase, 51.5 rear track width, and 51.75 front track width. I don’t know the distance across the frame rails yet, but I know you are going to need them. I have a few scattered Mustang II parts, originally for a 1950 Chevy. A Mustang II cross member, which is going to be way too wide, A arms, that are probably going to be too long, with spindles with rotors for disc brakes with Chevrolet bolt pattern, generic shocks and springs, and some QA-1 coil overs that I will have to find out what they will fit. I wanted to ask you if any of this will work, and purchase from you what I don’t have, to make something that will work.

  2. Wade says:

    Hi DW, this may have been covered already, but here goes. I have a ’61 Falcon. Would your MII kit for the ’63-’65 fit?

  3. scott stewart says:

    I am intrested in weather there are any problems putting the welder series coil over mustang setup under my full fended 34 fordoor
    any interference with fenders
    thanks Scott

    • DW says:

      Scott, the fender braces bolt to the frame where the upper towers for the control arms attaches. Usually, builders cut the fender braces and make brackets to bolt or weld them to the upper towers.

      There isn’t any interference between the Mustang II parts and the actual fenders.

      Thanks for looking at Welder Series parts for your project.

  4. Ken says:

    Hello. I am building a custom frame with an OD of 30 inches. Do you make a mustang 2 front suspension with a 52 inch track that will fit it?

    Thanks Ken A

      • Ken says:

        Thanks for the reply. I haven’t started to assemble the frame just yet. And 26″ wide frame is no problem to build instead of 30″ wide. Could you list the all the parts I would need get the front suspension on wheels. It’s a small VW truck build going for a Rat rod look. So looking to build it on a buget. Thanks

  5. stan says:

    I’m looking to replace the original ford mustang 2 cross member that is currently in my Cobra Kit car with one of your coil over cross members. I will be upgrading the a-arms to original length tubular strut-less and installing coil over shocks.

    What coil over cross member would retain the original mustang 2 width/geometry.

    • DW says:

      Hi, Nathan. I like International trucks but don’t know the track width or frame specs for the different models. We make kits for track widths of 56-1/2”, 58-1/2”, 60-1/2”, and 62-1/2”. We define track width as the dimension from wheel mounting surface to surface on the rotors. For a 56-1/2” track width, the easiest frame widths to work with are between 26 – 30” outside. As the track width increases by each 2” increment, the “easy” frame widths also increase by 2”. For frame widths larger or smaller than the “easy” widths, the frame can be stepped in or out to accommodate the crossmember and towers. There is some info about this at

      Thanks for considering Welder Series parts for this project.
      Paul Horton

  6. Mark says:

    Trying to find a set up for my 1956 international s100 frame. But not sure what kit I would need would also like to run Chevy wheels and brakes if that matters

    • Mark says:

      Edit. I just seen the comment before mine. If i were to measure distance of outer portions of the rail would that help to pin point which kit would work?

      • DW says:

        The kit you choose will be less a function of the width of the frame rails, than the desired track width. It’s easy to think of it like this: walking up to a car at a cruise night, it’s obvious if the tires are sticking out of the fenders 2″ each side, but nobody knows if the frame rails are the “correct” distance apart. We suggest mocking up the wheels and tires you’ll be using in the fenders, with the truck sitting at ride height. Measure the wheel mounting surface to wheel mounting surface, and that’s what we refer to as your track width.

  7. Jeremy Long says:

    Hi Paul
    Building a 51 Merc do you have know which width will work best, also I dont see it listed but do you have an already or mostly welded kit?


    • DW says:

      Hi Joseph. We don’t have a direct fit crossmember for your Falcon, but our 56″ kit would be the one to use if you’re fabricating the front frame section.


  8. Joseph Reyes says:

    Hi, im looking for a 58 inch mustang 2 front suspension kit with cross member for a 1948 pontiac streamliner

  9. Mark Kanewske says:

    My name is mark I have a 66 nova I need a frame only not a kit I have a kit in it that just didn’t work do you sell frame only

    • DW says:

      I’ve come across this request and hope I can still help. Also saw you picture. Looks like a good start!

      The Mustang II crossmember to use depends on several things:
      – The track width you want. We refer to track width as the dimension from tire tread center to center. Stock Mustang II was 56-1/2” and we make crossmembers for this, 58-1/2”, 60-1/2”, and 62-1/2”.

      – The frame width. Generally speaking, the 56-1/2” kit “likes” a frame width of 26 – 30” outside. Add 2” to that for the other kits as they increase in width. For frames wider or narrower than ideal, there are workarounds.

      – The height of the frame relative to the height of the spindle. In general, the ideal height of the bottom of the frame at the crossmember would be the same height as the spindle, plus or minus 1” for stock spindles. Dropped spindles can be use to lower the frame 2” from that. Spindle height is relative to tire size and will be close to the tire’s radius minus 1/2”. Tire dimension charts are on many manufacturer’s websites.

      – The frame’s cross-section. A rectangular cross section is easiest to work with. When the frame, in the crossmember/upper tower area, is not rectangular, often a section of tubing can be put there. Other times, steel plate can be used to provide an area to weld the crossmember and towers. Channel frames can, and should, be boxed. Some other frames should be reinforced for strength.

      There are many pictures of Mustang II installations on our website. Look at them to see how builders have used our kits.

      Please apply these conditions to your Dodge. If you have other questions, please send pics and I’ll try to reply quickly.

      Thanks for looking at Welder Series’ parts.
      Paul Horton

  10. Becky Bliss says:

    Hi there! I have a difficult one.. I have a 1960 Opel Record. Frame rail is 24 1/2” outside to outside and the track width is 54” at best. Do you have anything that would work?
    Thank you so much!
    Becky Bliss

    • DW says:

      Hi, Becky.

      We suggest a way to put a Mustang II in vehicles with narrow frames and track widths a little further down this page. Scroll down through the comments and you’ll see a few builders who asked the same type of question as yours.

      If this info doesn’t help, please get back to me.

      Thanks for looking at Welder Series’ parts.
      Paul Horton

      • TERRY says:


        • DW says:

          I’d probably go with the 58″ kit so you’ll have more options for larger wheels, especially if the car will be lowered.

          DW Horton

  11. Ash Berkman says:

    I’m looking for a crossmember kit for a 1952 Austin A40. Track width is 49.49”. Are you able to custom make a kit?

  12. John Grady says:

    hi , just came across this , I hope still active .
    so , 50 stude champ , 1 year only front frame .
    I did a layout and found frame is too high at bottom for common mustang 2 kits , it is about 5” to bottom of 3” tall frame from spindle the line . So would 8” plus to upper arm pivots That puts upper control arm inside the frame or close to it . And a crossmember to reach high enough , possibly weld to underside of frame but what about top ? I cannot find a good mechanical drawing of cross members to see where it lands with upper holes on same drawing as lower holes .
    I had a fat man clip on order he went bankrupt with my cash
    any thoughts greatly appreciated ,
    John grady
    frame is 26” inside face , but outer face starts at 30.4, but opens out at / over spindle for spring socket .. auugh

    • DW says:

      Hi John, thanks for looking at our parts. A frame with a high kickup will need to be ‘levelled out’; add to the bottom and section off the top for upper arm clearance. A good rule of thumb is for the bottom of the frame to be about at spindle height.
      Let me know if you have any follow-up questions.
      DW Horton

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