Dear Welder Series… 1948 Chevrolet Pickup Mustang II?

Dear Welder Series…

Rob here. Mr_____v on the H.A.M.B. and some other boards.

I’m about to build a new frame for my 48 Chevrolet Pickup and since I already have a stash of MII suspension pieces I’ve pretty well decided that the most logical way to go with the suspension is to use one of your kits and the factory Ford pieces including the strut arms.

The plan is to run steel rims with a shallow reverse or offset. Basically the old 15×7 chrome reverse wheels that have been around forever.

Ride will be low but with coil springs and no bags.

My question is, which of your M-II kits do you suggest for this application? I can figure out the outside of hub part easy enough but do you have certain kits that are made especially for the AD GM trucks?


Dear Rob…
Hi, Rob. Thanks for writing.

The 56″ MII kit is normally used with your series pickups. You would still notch the crossmember and the upper towers so the frame ride height will be where you want it.

Be sure to order the strut rod bracket & gusset kit:

Strut Rod Frame Mounting Kit
Strut Rod Frame Mounting Kit

If you will use the later model T-Bird rack, order the rack mount spacer kit:

Rack Spacer Kit
Rack Spacer Kit

The steering shaft bearing support is another thing you will probably need:

The reversed wheels will likely still be o.k. to use as there is quite a bit of space out to the fender edge with standard wheels.

I hope this answers your questions. If not, please hit me again from another direction.

Paul Horton

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