Typical decor for a Route 66 diner, but it’s still neat. I’m talking about the wall, not my husband, tho’ he’s neat, too.

Instead of driving straight north from Williams to the Grand Canyon, we took the advice of our friend, John Adams, who said we should drive by the canyon from EAST to WEST. So we drove east on I-40 to Flagstaff AZ, then north on 89, west on SR 84 which runs beside the south rim of the canyon. I took this picture on I-40 because it was the first time I had seen GREEN in many,many days. Everything has been rock, sand and red dirt – all pretty in their own way. By the way, that’s not road kill on the highway, it’s bug kill on our windshield.

One of the lookout sites. This is the last picture we took before the battery died. All of our pictures have been taken with an iphone. We have been really pleased with the quality, but here we were at the Grand Canyon and the iphone battery was dying by leaps and bounds. Every time we looked, it was down about 10% more. It finally died 100%. Later we found out that in areas of “no service” like the Grand Canyon and several other places we’ve been recently, it kept searching for service. Paul found on the Apple website that he should have had “airplane mode” ON so it will discontinue searching. No problems since then.

Many of the lookout points are suitable for viewing (obviously) but do not allow you to get a vehicle nearby. This spot was perfect so we pulled over, but … our camera was dead. We asked a man and his wife if they would mind taking a picture of our car and then to email it to us. They took several and the ones taken with their Blackberry (a device made in Waterloo Ontario only minutes from our shop) were received that same evening! Thanks to Marty Schleiff for your kindness. Very much appreciated.