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Road Trip: pics from June 16
After a restful night at the Holiday Inn, we got up early to wash the ’32. The last good clean it received was on June 3 at home.
Jim’s Rod Shop in Yuma AZ – one of our Welder Series’ dealers.
Some of the shop projects
Shop Projects
The Welder Series coupe gets checked over and tightened up.
Left Jim’s shop and headed toward California on I-8 West. Passed the Holiday Inn where we’d spent last night. Temperature: 109 F
Welcome to California.
Not long after we crossed the stateline into California, we saw these incredible Algodones Sand Dunes.
Jim was right when he said at any minute you expect to see Lawrence of Arabia riding a camel over a dune.
Maybe we did see him! This picture was taken at 2:55 pm. Watch the next pictures for how quickly the scenery changed.
3:44 pm – flattened out again.
3:45 pm – irrigated crops for a short distance.
3:51 pm – rocky hills
4:02 pm – now we’re seeing larger rock mountains. Altitude: 1306 ft.
The drive just keeps staying beautiful…
…and more beautiful
4:45 pm – Altitude: 4200 feet
Out of the ‘rocky’ mountains and into the city of San Diego.
Heading north on I-5. Could this be Toronto? No, otherwise it would be 16 lanes each direction. We thought it was the end of a fun drive, but it was not bad at all – moving nicely most of the time.
This was the extent of our view of the Pacific Ocean on I-5. Got to our hotel, Doubletree Claremont, about 8:00 pm. The other Road Tour members have had other activities for the past 2 days and now we’re back with them.