Problem solving hot rod chassis parts for 47 years.
Old Products: threaded stuff
When we ran a full service chassis fab/turn-key hot rod shop a number of years ago, it was always useful to have threaded things around to weld into the frame for some kind of mount, etc.
Here’s a list of all our threaded things for your reference:
Buy 10 of one part number, get 10% off.
Buy 40+ to get them for 40% off! Sorry, no additional discounts applicable.
Great to use for filling holes in firewalls, frame rails, the ends of tubing, or anywhere there is a hole that needs to be "unholed". Sold individually - buy what you need. 16 ga mild steel.
All diameters other than 5/8″, 1″, and 1-3/8″ have been discontinued. A unibit can be used to increase the diameter of your hole to either 5/8″, 1″, or 1-3/8″.
Helpful Tip:
Dear Welder Series…
I tried to attach these to the review but it wouldn’t let me. I found that if I used a step drill and drilled the finish dia of the plug (5/8″) 1/2 way thru it left enough shelf to support the plug and was tight enough to fuse with the TIG.