We’ll be leaving the bustling suburb of Breslau for the big city of Louisville on Monday for the NSRA Street Rod Nationals + (is that where Google got it?). If you’re going to be there, please come and visit our booth- we’re in the same spot as the last umpteen years… right across from Yogi’s, in booth #134.
We’ll offer the same deal as last year, too: if you buy Welder Series parts at the show, you won’t have to carry them back to your car- we’ll get them to your door for no charge shipping. There’s no minimum order, either.
While we’re away, we will still be replying to emails. Phone calls will be returned when we get back. We will not be shipping any parts from August 1-8.
Please come to the Hot Rod Industry BMX Challenge on Saturday night! I’ll have info in our booth. Tim and Carrie Strange (yes, even though he’s a TV star now, he still pays attention to the little people Oh wait, maybe it’s because I’m on YouTube…) put a LOT of time and effort into this event. I know it would mean a lot to them to see you there. And you.
I’m driving the ’32 down, which will be the third Louisville it’s been to. It’s been a few other places in between, too… we’ve racked over 24 000 miles on it since August 1, 2009. Hope to see you there!