Problem solving hot rod chassis parts for 47 years.
Frame Boxing Plate Install
Michael sent these pictures of his 1936 Ford frame as he installed a set of our 1935-40 Ford boxing plates.
He wrote a little step-by-step commentary too, so I’ll just hand over the keyboard:
Hi, Here’s pictures of your boxing plates being installed on my ‘37 ford frame.
Photo 1 is the bare frame on my little frame rotisserie. I left the back half of the factory X-member in place while I did the front plates. Also note my temporary x-bracing.
Photo 2 shows the plate next to my clean frame. Notice I have used weld nuts inside the frame, since once the frame is boxed there will be no access. This includes body mount points, inner fenders, and running boards. I did a few extra too in front, anticipating a few bolt-on items in the engine bay.
Photo 3 shows the tool I made to adjust the frame and remove the dings and dents of the last 70 years. It took some patience but I got the plates to fit nicely.
Photo 4. I welded nuts on the inside face of the boxing plates too, anticipating brake and fuel line locations to the back of the car.
Photo 5. This is a section of a rear plate which is still just tacked in place.
Photo 6. All plates in and welds ground smooth. Ready for rear suspension…..
Dear Welder Series... Do you have any frame repair kits for the rear wheel area for a 39 Ford stock chassis for restoration. Mainly need the area at the axel hump behind the rear wheel Bill Dear Bill... Bill, we have boxing plates for the rear half of the 1935…
Dear Welder Series... I wanted to check that your 35-40 ford boxing plates will work on a 37 ford truck frame. If so I will be ordering immediately. Thanks Charles Dear Charles... Charles, 1935-41 Ford car and 1935-41 Ford pickups used the same frame rails. Yes, our plates will work…