$8 C Notches… or “Why We Rarely Upsell”

If there’s one business rule that we often break here at Welder Series, it’s “always upsell”. If someone calls and orders something by part number, chances are good they have looked around and decided that that’s the part they need.

I don’t know about you, but when I know what I need, the one thing I don’t need is someone telling me what I need. Sure, I could get into a “it’s all about the skill of the salesman, convincing you to buy something you weren’t originally going to buy without even realizing it” discussion, but I won’t. Maybe some other time.

I’m not saying I’ve never asked someone if they could use some bushings to go with the adjusters they just bought, for instance… but I don’t think I’ve ever purposefully tried to sell something to someone that wasn’t in the family of parts they were originally asking about. That’s the difference between “selling” and “encouraging orders”, for me. I don’t like to be “sold” things by a pushy know-it-all, but if a salesman helps me decide to order something, that’s a lot different.

Anyways, the thing that I started this whole post about was an $8 part that represents a savings of $17.50 over a similar part. I actually made a video about it before, but that post highlighted a different use for the same part. This time, it’s a transmission tunnel clearance notch boxing plate (or a Mustang II coil spring relief notch) being used for rear axle C notches. If you’re ok with a three sided C notch instead of a rolled notch, this should work out just fine. If you’re ok with $17.50 in your pocket instead of a rolled notch on your frame, this should work out just fine for you, too.

Formed Notch Plate
Formed Notch Plate

The three sided notch is 7-1/2″ long (or tall, if you need to mount it vertically), 6-3/8″ wide, and 1-3/4″ high. Instead of using two rolled notch pieces, you could use one of these and cut it in half to use one on each frame rail.

Formed Notch Plate
Formed Notch Plate

Why “expose” this lower-profit-dollar option? When you have “Save Money” as part of your company profile, it’s only right. And you know what? Customers like saving money, and they’ll most likely call back again… and again.


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