Dear Welder Series…
To whom may help,
I see you have your brake pedal brackets kits available, but I was curious if you had anything to serve both a hydraulic brake AND clutch pedal kit. (IE a two pedal design with opposite direction offsets etc) Do let me know if you can help! I am currently putting a 1947 Ford Truck Body on a GM 2 ton chassis with a Cummins motor and I am looking for an original looking solution to having a hydraulic clutch and hydroboost brakes.)
Dear Mike…
Please go to the catalog pdf file, , page 21. When people buy this kit, we usually suggest substituting, in the brake pedal/master cylinder bracket kit, a brake pedal with no offset so the pedals can be offset symmetrically to clear the steering column. This reduces the price slightly.
I hope this helps. Please write again if you have other questions.
Thanks for looking at Welder Series parts.
Paul Horton
update: We do have the brake/ clutch pedal assembly in the web store – check out the youtube video.