Dear Welder Series…
I have a 1980 MGB and am installing a narrowed Ford 8.8 rear-end. I have a leaf spring original rear suspension and want to install a 4-link to my 8.8, with coil over shocks. Can you help me?
Dear Dave…
Dave, our parallel rear 4-link kit could be used with a Panhard bar kit (both shown below).If your 8.8 has the ears on the case for the stock triangulated upper bars, this product can be used:
This is a fairly new kit that has special brackets for the 8.8″ upper bushings. The upper bars have to be cut to length and then the bracket gets welded to the bar. This allows for different frame widths.
The WS222501 and the WS318588 each costs $340.00. The welded versions cost $390.00. The Panhard kit costs $93.00 ready to weld and $115.00 welded.
Thanks for looking at Welder Series parts.